What We Do.
Often-interactive training and workshop sessions covering a range of relevant topics, designed to challenge biases and preconceived notions about queerness and to bring participants to critically reflect on the unique aspects of queer healthcare experiences and considerations.
Education cannot be done in isolation, and so the members of Treat it Queer keep abreast of new developments in queer theory, medical practices, health policy, and other related fields in order to provide content that is up to date and reflect current state of affairs.
To support communities in achieving greater levels of inclusivity and resilience, Treat it Queer offers consultation services. Interested parties can - for instance - submit documents, presentations, or other types of material for review, to check such criteria as sufficiently inclusive language, appropriate definitions or terminology, needlessly intrusive questions, and more.
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If you would like the opportunity to lend a hand and your voice to our cause, be sure to take a look at our open positions!