TRANSforming Endometriosis Research

A multidisciplinary 2-days workshop on endometriosis among transgender and gender diverse people


June 1-2, 2023.


Brocher Foundation

Route d'Hermance 471 - CP 21 CH - 1248 Hermance



TRANSforming Endometriosis Research is a multidisciplinary research project that aims to bring together scholars of different disciplines to address the health needs of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people living with endometriosis.

TRANSforming Endometriosis Research strives to investigate the ethical, legal, and social implications of endometriosis and newly developed endometriosis treatments. It is an LGBTQ+-centered project that focuses specifically on the health needs and resources of TGD patients through an intersectional lens. 

Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological condition with severe implications for patients’ quality of life and that comes with a high global social and economic burden. Endometriosis is commonly mis- and/or underdiagnosed and stigmatized even among the cisgender population. Furthermore, research about endometriosis among TGD people is extremely scarce. However, the few studies available show that this condition is more prevalent among TGD people than in the cisgender population. The TGD community faces structural barriers to access health care in general and are challenged by systematic stigma, discrimination and (micro)aggressions that that have a deep impact on their mental and physical wellbeing. Consequently, the intersection of endometriosis and TGD identities is a particularly relevant cross-point to investigate how different disciplines can co-strengthen and enhance each other’s perspectives to improve health research and patients’ care.

The planned activities of this project consist of twelve presentations and six multidisciplinary group work sessions whereby researchers with different backgrounds will share the newest development regarding endometriosis care among TGD people in their field. Our group of international researchers consists of, a.o., medical doctors, social scientists, sex therapists, health policy makers, and patient advocates. A balance between junior and senior researchers stands central in our core values to enable an optimal exchange of knowledge and expertise.

The workshop aims to stimulate the creation of a Special Issue to be published in an indexed international journal. The Special Issue will be formed by articles produced through the workshop on the topic. Our long-term objective is to promote an accessible and multidisciplinary approach of endometriosis research and developing TGD-competent care among European countries and beyond. 


The workshop wants to bring together scholars with a diversified background for an intensive and multidisciplinary research experience. 

For example, we encourage people such as the following to apply: 

  • medical doctors involved in biomedical research, and in front-line endometriosis and/or  gender-affirming care, encompassing medical as well as surgical treatment; 

  • social scientists specialized in the experience of LGBTQ+ people living with chronic illness; 

  • sex therapists researching, advocating, and providing care specifically to TGD individuals and to people with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities; 

  • mental health researchers focusing on TGD psychological health needs and challenges to access mental health care; 

  • policy makers working in the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) field with an intersectional LGBTQ+ perspective; 

  • patient advocates. 

Our group is LGBTQ+ centered and LGBTQ+ lead, with many of us identifying within the target community of this research project. We encourage an active participation of LGBTQ+ community members in general, and TGD people more specifically, to promote community-based bottom-up research. We stimulate a safe(r) space for TGD health researchers to forward their needs and collaborate within and beyond the LGBTQ+ community. We therefore encourage (and appreciate) applicants to indicate their pronouns in the application form as well as in their email signature. 

We strive for a balance of junior and senior researchers to guarantee a fair exchange of knowledge and expertise, while providing space for new(er) generations to carry multidisciplinary research onwards. 


Please fill out the application form below before July 30, 2022.

Please note that the application period for this project has now ended.

For further inquiries, please contact either Dr. Maddalena Giacomozzi [they/them] at, or Dr. Mara Pieri [she/her] at