“Let’s talk about sex baby/ let’s talk about you and me”

- Salt-N-Peppa, “Let’s Talk About Sex”

It’s time… to Ask&Tell!

Have you ever had questions about sex, sexuality, or sexual health that you didn’t know how to ask? Did you ever wish to have open discussions about these topics with a friend or partner but didn’t know how to broach the topic? Have you ever wondered how queerness, neurodivergence, chronic illness, and disability intersect with sexuality?

Or, do you just enjoy talking about all things sexy?

Well, then Ask&Tell! is the game for you!

Ask&Tell! is an interactive game about the intersection of sex, queerness, neurodivergence, chronic illness, and disability, centering on conversations and experiences.

Ask&Tell! can be played with friends, comfortable strangers, and partners. It is best enjoyed when all parties involved feel as comfortable and at ease - physically and mentally - as possible.

Ask&Tell! does not provide particular knowledge or resources, but encourages conversation and personal engagement with under-represented topics in sex and sexualities education.

If Ask&Tell! sounds like a game for you, download your printable copy today!

If you would like a physical copy of Ask&Tell!, please contact us directly.


To meet the needs and wishes of the thriving community we are a part of and work for, we conducted community needs-assessment research to inform game content and design.

This queer-led, community-based project would not have been possible without input and exceptional hard work from many people who shared professional knowledge, skills, and lived experiences.

Development was overseen by sex, relationship-systemic, and cognitive-behavioural therapists, medical doctors, researchers, and global health professionals, many of whom are queer, trans, neurodivergent, chronically ill, disabled, and of varying cultural and racial backgrounds.


Consultation working group (alphabetical order):

Agata Fiorelli Pica (she/her), Aike Pronk (he/they), Flori Sintenie (she/they), Francesco Emiliano (he/him), Franziska Gartner (she/her), Giulia Tracogna (she/they), Ine de Groen (she/her), Jip Bouwens (they/them), M. Mainetti (they/them), Micol Geminiani (she/her), Noor Gieles (she/her), Rodolfo Pessina (he/him), Rosaura Burrugano (she/he), Silvia Libardi (she/her), Sofia Pevarello (she/any), Stefano Urso (he/him). 

Copy Edit & Proofreading: Stéphane Aubin (he/they) 

Graphics & Illustrations: Elia Zeno Covolan (they/he) 

Visual Design: M. Mainetti (they/them) 

Project Coordinator: Maddalena Giacomozzi (they/them)

Ask&Tell! was developed as part of an Erasmus+ KA2 Small-scale Partnership grant, and is a collaboration between the Treat it Queer Foundation, Asterisco, and Goghi&Goghi.


It's A Journey


The New Gender Figure